Goodmorning Hostel is located in the center of Lisbon. It is always full. It is known to receive mostly solo travelers, people who want to meet other people. There are almost 100 people sharing the same interests in the same space. Friendships are made for life.
But a new disease hit the world and suddenly everything changed. Goodmorning Hostel has closed. Fear appeared. The fear of the embrace, the fear of welcoming. The fear of receiving friends who came in the door. It’s called COVID 19 and it came to create social distance. We cannot be close to others, we must wear masks and avoid touching where others have touched before.
The Hostel closed and for now remains like that, until further indications. But we didn’t give up. We have not given up on the dream of making this world a better world. In which everyone wants to know about each other and where everyone takes care of each other. Goodmorning Hostel is known for its friendship, for its proximity, for showing that tomorrow we can do even better than today … And here we are for that. No matter what COVID 19 exists, no matter the fear of being close … We are here for you. We’re here to help.
Trust us, our Safe & Clean label and all the training we have had to receive you and see you soon! We will be here to provide you with the best experiences of your life.
And that is why our motto is: “Arrive as a guest, leave as a friend”.